Please DO NOT download this file unless instructed, otherwise this may cause issues with the database and/or MS Office.
This file contains additional text converters and image filters are available in the Microsoft Office File, that have become
corrupt, gone missing, or not been installed or even uninstalled by later version of Ms Office.
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the
date that the file was posted.
The following image filters will install from the Microsoft Office Converter Pack, based on the version of the Office program
that you have installed:
Computer Graphics Metafile import filter (CGMimp32.FLT)
Corel Draw graphic import filter (CDRimp32.FLT)
Encapsulated PostScript import filter (EPSimp32.FLT)
Graphic Interchange Format import filter (GIFimp32.FLT)
JPEG graphic import filter (JPEGim32.FLT)
Macintosh PICT graphic import filter (PICTim32.FLT)
Portable Network Graphics import filter (PNG32.FLT)
WordPerfect Graphic import filter (WPGimp32.FLT)
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